Baba Bullard on Thanks Giving or Thanks Taking?
The Choice is Ours.
Greetings of Hotep to the Afrikan Centered Family,
In the truest sense of holiday elations, libations and celebrations, we at the Afrikan Centered Education Collegium Campus should take a moment to center ourselves and reflect on what it means to be great-ful and grateful. As we prepare for Thanksgiving’s gatherings of friends and family, it is a wonderful time to reflect on a Level Five Thinking question, “Are we a thanks-giver or a thanks-taker?” Dr. Jacob Carruthers our enlighten ancestor who worked closely with the Kansas City, Missouri Afrikan Centered Schools would often teach that the answer is in the question and if the question is probed deeply enough the answer will come forth. If we think deeply, comparing and contrasting the dichotomy of giving with receiving and receiving without giving we will resolve this question. It is extremely easy to take something without thinking deeply of the sacrifices, struggles, commitments and contributions that are made by those who give or have given to our collective being. The core values of being Afrikan Centered are based on the practice of Maat as a fundamental standard for thinking, acting and being. Maat requires the pre-conditions of establishing human relationships that are balanced, harmonious, reciprocal and governed through truth, justice and order. Selfish acts and self centered actions require no foresight, insight or pre-sight. To act without thinking is considered un-Maatic or what our ancestors referred to as Isfet (actions that are oppositional to Maat). As we relax, reflect and rejuvenate with our nuclear and extended families, let us be mindful and responsive of those who have given without being asked, sacrificed without hesitation and received only to give back in return. Let us be the ones who are known as willing givers and humble takers. Enjoy!!! Ashe, ashe, ashe.